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Whoa, that was a long break. Anyway, I added some art into the all-new art section, and uh, that's it. I'll put some more strips soon.
I am afraid there will be no strip the next week. Not sure, but still think so. There are internal final exams. They are evil. However, after all of the finals (say, late June), I will have more time, and could update the site with much greater frequency! Yey! (yey?).
Ah, at last! It is up! I am so happy. And, of course, so is the strip that was supposed to go up two days ago. Of course, from now on, they will be updated much less regularly (hey, it takes time to draw that and I have finals soon!).
God... I hate this. The site just wouldn't update. Arrgh. In any case, hope it'll work now. If it did, then, yey! The first strip! But if not... Ah... Well, then I'll have to try again, I guess.
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